Sunday, July 31, 2011

Hebrews 1 & 2

I've been looking at these first two chapters for a while and even though I can grasp the point of these two introductory chapters - I still feel like there's a disconnect.
Jesus is superior to everyone and everything.  He's better than the angels and everything else.  And behold, it is God's son who has walked this earth, suffered and died.
This is such a crucial statement about our faith.  Jesus is a big deal. 
Yet sometimes I don't feel like He's as BIG as He should be in my life.  Maybe I've become too comfortable with Jesus. 

God is always so good.  Do I take him for granted?  Do I honor Him as He deserves?  Does my life reflect his worthiness-beyond-words/actions in my life?

I guess there is a hunger to encounter this powerful God who became a mere human being for us.  Maybe I see his humanity more than His Deity.

[still working on these scattered thoughts...]


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