Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Hebrews 3 - Today...

Sometimes I wonder how my life would've been different if I had been born in a non-Christian family.  How would I see Jesus differently?  If I had been Jewish like those addressed by this letter - how would Jesus compare to Moses?  How do I "consider" Jesus?

I've only known Jesus - almost like I never had to go through a true discerning phase.  It's like Jesus just got bigger and bigger.  As a child, I went to church, to morning prayers with my grandma. I knew all the hymns, memorized the verses.  In elementary school, I sang as loud as I could and danced the motions to the best of my ability.. And in Jr. High -- Jesus became really big.  The Word came alive.  I began to really talk to Him.  I heard His voice...  I enjoyed my quiet moments with Him.  Truly, this is a blessing.

But, in recent years - my knowledge of Him, my experiences of Him have plateaued a bit.  Is it my attitude towards Him?  Where has the excitement of my youth gone?  I have so many stories to tell of my younger years... but what about now? 

So in read through this chapter -- the word "TODAY" is repeated quite a few times.  As St. Augustine said, "You have made us for Yourself, O God, and our hearts are restless until they find rest in Thee."  I am restless God - restless to see Your glory in my TODAY. 

This is the day that the Lord has made.  I truly feel God is encouraging me to live each day with excitement, with my eyes open to His glorious works and His glorious presence.  I'm so excited to be going through this with you gals!


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