Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Hebrews 3

Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts. This verse became too real. I hardened my heart and disobeyed God in my youth. I even prayed to God to take away my salvation because I was always feeling guilty for hardening my heart. BUT once you are saved, God does not let you go. He walks next to you, He suffers with you and He always loves you.

Jesus, who is the radiance of the glory of God and sits at the right hand of God, was made lower than the angels to save me, who once prayed that He leave me alone. Once I began to realize what Jesus did because he loved me, I couldn't turn back. I had to make a decision -- if I am Christian, I will serve Him and perform deeds that will please Him. Yes, I fail miserably all the time, and yes, sometimes I doubt and ask "God, where are you?". But most of the time, I cannot help but hold fast my confidence and boasting in my hope.

I pray that I will never harden my heart again but continue to love Jesus for being my Savior, to love Jesus for loving me unconditionally, to love Jesus for being faithful and not letting me go.

I am really excited to share my thoughts and grow in Christ with you ladies! Hope to see you all soon.


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