Thursday, August 4, 2011

Hebrews 4 - His Rest

v. 8 "For if Joshua had given them rest, God would not have spoken of another day later on."
This made me think about the way we live and work.  We work hard so that one day we can retire and rest.  We work hard so that we can rest and take vacations.  We work hard so that we can pay someone to do the dirty work so that we can find some sort of rest in our daily living... rest from this and that.  Yet, at the end of all this do we actually feel "rested"?  The Israelites might've looked to Joshua for rest.. a day when they can actually settle down and feel like they've arrived somewhere.  They looked to him to finally just take this land of Canaan and be done with it already.  And we know that they never really do settle down and eventually this land is taken from them and they return to their wandering, unsettled state.

I am a workaholic, a busy-body...  I used to schedule my days in 10 minute increments.  I guess I thought that one day I wouldn't have anything left on my to-do list and I could finally rest.  So not true.  In this Word I find that one day I will enter into that rest.. For now, I need to learn to pause and take the Sabbath for real.  It is only when I was in a relationship with my husband that I learned to relax or was forced to relax.  He's the type that works when he works and relaxes when he relaxes.  He can totally brain-fart and he loves it.  He likes to spend his Saturdays in bed ALL DAY.  As for me, I usually can't just sit and watch a movie.  I feel like it's a waste of time so I have to do something else on my forever list of to-do's.  And yet, I get frustrated that I always have something to do when I probably create that kind of life for me.. I guess I thrive on that feeling.

And in this Word, I find hope that one day I will have this feeling of having arrived, of having completed something.  I can't wait to have that feeling of having nothing lingering, nothing in the back of my mind that keeps me from relaxing completely.  I will enter His rest one day and I can't wait to know how that feels because I know that feeling cannot exist here on earth.


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