Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Hosea 8

"For Israel has forgotten his Maker and built palaces..." (v. 14)

For me, Hosea has been a reminder of why I'm here in New Jersey.  This was the book God gave me in preparation to come serve at my church about 4 years ago. 

There is a sense of.. "gosh, they just don't get it."  And these days, as we're kicking off the new school year... I feel this sense of frustration with my youth group kids.  Some are great... but the seniors.... it's like, all of a sudden they've become too cool for youth group.  Some have been active for years and now all of a sudden they need to prep for college apps and prepare their art portfolios.  God just has to come second..  The word that is used often "whoredom" keeps sticking out to me...

And in the midst of thinking of my students -- I am also reminded of how God must be so frustrated with us.  When we lost electricity - my devotions were so deep and awesome.  As soon as we got power and internet... off  my mind and time went into whoredom.

So this is my prayer... that I, first, may be devoted to you.  That I may not forget my Maker and go after the things of this world that are so fleeting...  And God, please do your work in your beloved children.  We can't lose them now... Bring them back, God.


At September 7, 2011 at 10:36 PM , Blogger amy said...

amen, rana-- i feel compelled to pray for the students too!!


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