Thursday, August 25, 2011

Daniel 4 - The Word of God is Powerful

Daniel not only speaks the interpretations that are favorable but also that which isn't...  He really just speaks the truth with boldness.  I don't think King Nebuchadnezzar was happy to hear this interpretation but Daniel wasn't afraid to speak the truth because it was God's word.. and He will cause these words to come to life...

Even after Daniel tells this king to live in righteousness the king still boasts of this mighty kingdom he built for himself -- and at that moment the Word of God is spoken, and these words come to pass.

It's kind of like an "I told you so" moment.  King Nebuchadnezzar loses it and when he regains - he praises God.

The Word of God is powerful.  And when we are called to deliver His word, we are to deliver it in boldness because we know that these words are not our own words.  These are God's words and He will defend them. 

I feel a need to speak the Word of God more boldly especially to our youth group.  I think that I've been too nice in a way that is not beneficial.  I need the Word of God to speak boldly to my youth group.  I want them to experience the power of the Word of God so that they too may praise God as King N did.  I want to be that messenger of God's Word.

Lord, give me Your words to speak in boldness.  Use me as a messenger of Your Word to all people so that they too may experience your power and praise you.


At August 28, 2011 at 11:36 PM , Blogger amy said...

Rana-- i agree-- so many times I forget about the power in the words of God, and i fear to speak the truth. However, i must have faith and BOLDNESS in speaking the word of God because His words have POWER!! Lord forgive me for my timidity and the shameful manner in which i would approach sharing Your truths with others!!


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