Monday, August 29, 2011

Daniel 9-10 & Dreams

Daniel 9: 23 At the beginning of your pleas for mercy a word went out, and I have come to tell it to you, for you are greatly loved.
Daniel 10: 12Then he said to me, "Fear not, Daniel, for from the first day that you set your heart to understand and humbled yourself before your God, your words have been heard, and I have come because of your words."

Since I have read Daniel, I have been praying that my love for the nation and the world will be greatly increased. Daniel loved Jerusalem so much that he fasted for days and prayed so earnestly. To think of it, I don't even pray like Daniel for my family! After reading Daniel 9 and 10, I couldn't help but wish that God would tell me that I am greatly loved by sending an angel (or Jesus).

After reading Daniel, I had this vivid dream. The beginning of my dream was nothing unusual -- and I remember thinking in my dream that everything was ordinary. Then, all of sudden, the beasts that Daniel described entered my dream -- but it was like a flipping book art. The beasts were drawn so distinctly, there were no roundness to them but all the beasts were drawn with sharp edges. They images were beautiful, like black and white stained glass. And someone was the flipping the pages because the beasts began to move. I saw that the beast with the horns were devouring the other three beasts that Daniel described. I got scared and tried to wake up but I couldn't. Then I started hearing the sound of demons, and I tried to reach for my husband but it wasn't my husband next to me but another demon. I tried harder to wake up but couldn't -- and suddenly, I remembered Daniel and his confidence in God. So I began to shout Jesus has already defeated death; Jesus has defeated evil; God has already been victorious. Then I saw another beast that looked like a lion devour the beast with the horn. And then I kept repeating that God was victorious and that Jesus defeated death. Then all was calm. And then I woke up.

What amazed me about this dream was that my images were so artistic and creative. How did I even dream about flip page art? I have no talent in art whatsoever. I wish I could draw what I dreamt. It was extraordinary.

I could say I had this dream because God was telling me that we are victorious. But then again, I had this dream after I read about Daniel's visions and the images were very similar to what he described. Maybe it's a combination of both -- God is telling me through Daniel that he loves me -- that as long as I set my heart to understand and humble myself before God, God will hear my words and come.

Looking very forward to read Hosea!


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