Monday, August 8, 2011

Hebrews 9

v.28 so Christ, having been offered once to bear the sins of many...

Sometimes, I think I take Christ's death too lightly. Christ was rejected by men and suffered a humiliating death even though he was God because he loves us. He died for our sins, not his. I should be shouting at the top of my lungs that Jesus is real, that he is the King, that he is the truth. But I don't. I keep my mouth shut -- other than to say that I go to church and am involved.

Doesn't Christ deserve more than that? Doesn't Christ deserve everything that I have? Shouldn't I be boldly proclaiming that he is alive and that he died for our sins? Why is it that I am so timid, so fearful, so hesitant? Why can't I be more like apostle Paul and tell everyone about my transformation in my heart? About the peace of God that surpasses all understanding, which has filled my heart?

Christ deserves more than what I give him. He deserves so much more...

God, I pray that in my weakness, you will become strong. That even in my weakness, you will use me to bring others to Christ so that they will taste your love and the peace that transcends all understanding.


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