Monday, August 29, 2011

Daniel 9-10 & Dreams

Daniel 9: 23 At the beginning of your pleas for mercy a word went out, and I have come to tell it to you, for you are greatly loved.
Daniel 10: 12Then he said to me, "Fear not, Daniel, for from the first day that you set your heart to understand and humbled yourself before your God, your words have been heard, and I have come because of your words."

Since I have read Daniel, I have been praying that my love for the nation and the world will be greatly increased. Daniel loved Jerusalem so much that he fasted for days and prayed so earnestly. To think of it, I don't even pray like Daniel for my family! After reading Daniel 9 and 10, I couldn't help but wish that God would tell me that I am greatly loved by sending an angel (or Jesus).

After reading Daniel, I had this vivid dream. The beginning of my dream was nothing unusual -- and I remember thinking in my dream that everything was ordinary. Then, all of sudden, the beasts that Daniel described entered my dream -- but it was like a flipping book art. The beasts were drawn so distinctly, there were no roundness to them but all the beasts were drawn with sharp edges. They images were beautiful, like black and white stained glass. And someone was the flipping the pages because the beasts began to move. I saw that the beast with the horns were devouring the other three beasts that Daniel described. I got scared and tried to wake up but I couldn't. Then I started hearing the sound of demons, and I tried to reach for my husband but it wasn't my husband next to me but another demon. I tried harder to wake up but couldn't -- and suddenly, I remembered Daniel and his confidence in God. So I began to shout Jesus has already defeated death; Jesus has defeated evil; God has already been victorious. Then I saw another beast that looked like a lion devour the beast with the horn. And then I kept repeating that God was victorious and that Jesus defeated death. Then all was calm. And then I woke up.

What amazed me about this dream was that my images were so artistic and creative. How did I even dream about flip page art? I have no talent in art whatsoever. I wish I could draw what I dreamt. It was extraordinary.

I could say I had this dream because God was telling me that we are victorious. But then again, I had this dream after I read about Daniel's visions and the images were very similar to what he described. Maybe it's a combination of both -- God is telling me through Daniel that he loves me -- that as long as I set my heart to understand and humble myself before God, God will hear my words and come.

Looking very forward to read Hosea!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

to be "highly esteemed"

i did get to finish Daniel, but the thing that stood out to me most from the last few chapters is found in chapters 9 and 10. In these two chapters alone, Daniel is called "highly esteemed" by the heavenly Being speaking to him, three times.
How amazing to be called highly esteemed, especially by heavenly hosts!!
Lately i've been trying to read a book by Dave Harvey called "Rescuing Ambition." (have you heard of it?)
So many times we (I) try to strive for earthy praise and recognition. So many times, i become ambitious for the wrong things and get motivated by the things of this world, all for some respect, and recognition from the God-less among me.
Daniel is instead scorned by those around him in his time, and by all those in positions of "power" and "prestige." He went against popular culture and thought. He strove to be found humble, obedient, and blameless before God, and therefore became "highly esteemed" in the Kingdom of God. O, how reading about Daniel sheds life onto my own self-righteousness, pettiness and misplaced desires of recognition!!
I am convicted to strive for the things above--to strive for things of the Spirit of God.

...i just realized that Hosea follows Daniel--lol! well, im excited to discuss Hosea together!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Daniel 4 - The Word of God is Powerful

Daniel not only speaks the interpretations that are favorable but also that which isn't...  He really just speaks the truth with boldness.  I don't think King Nebuchadnezzar was happy to hear this interpretation but Daniel wasn't afraid to speak the truth because it was God's word.. and He will cause these words to come to life...

Even after Daniel tells this king to live in righteousness the king still boasts of this mighty kingdom he built for himself -- and at that moment the Word of God is spoken, and these words come to pass.

It's kind of like an "I told you so" moment.  King Nebuchadnezzar loses it and when he regains - he praises God.

The Word of God is powerful.  And when we are called to deliver His word, we are to deliver it in boldness because we know that these words are not our own words.  These are God's words and He will defend them. 

I feel a need to speak the Word of God more boldly especially to our youth group.  I think that I've been too nice in a way that is not beneficial.  I need the Word of God to speak boldly to my youth group.  I want them to experience the power of the Word of God so that they too may praise God as King N did.  I want to be that messenger of God's Word.

Lord, give me Your words to speak in boldness.  Use me as a messenger of Your Word to all people so that they too may experience your power and praise you.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Daniel 3 -- Trusting God

So I've been a little slow in finishing Hebrews..  and finally got to Daniel.  :)

We just finished up our youth and college revival.  It was great... and I wonder what the next step is.  I want this to be a jumping off point -- a kick-off for the school year -- so that we can all start fresh and on fire for God.  I guess I'm just desperate to see God move in an amazing way... and then I read about these guys - Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego -- all pretty young guys living their lives in faith. They really trust God -- They really stick their necks out for God.

I'm amazed at their faith..  It's like a no compromise type of faith.  It's a 100% God or nothing kind of faith.  But it's not those crazed people (I think) that live their lives in this Christian bubble and have no sense of reality...  It's like this well-integrated kind of faith, where they're active in this world yet completely faithful.  It is possible.  And I guess that is my passion.  I want to see us live a totally integrated faith - where our faith and our living in this world are not separate.  They were completely committed to God.  Whether God chooses to save them or not - their allegiance to God was uncompromised.  Wow!

And in this event, God is glorified and they are saved.  If all Christians were to live their lives this way - how different would the world be?

If I were to live my life this way - how would my life be different?  How can I be a witness that causes unbelievers to respect and give praise to my God? 

Monday, August 22, 2011

By Faith (Hebrews 11) & Genesis 4 (Cain & Abel)

By faith...Abel was murdered by his brother because of his faith, because Abel loved God and gave him the best of what he possessed. Cain, on the other hand, gave God a portion (not the best) of what he had, became filled with jealousy and was overcome by sin, and murdered his brother. Yet, it was Cain that lived and Abel that had died.

God could have saved Abel and sent an angel to prevent his death, couldn't He? God heard Abel's cries from the ground. The LORD had regard for Abel. So why didn't God prevent Abel's death? Why was Cain able to live his life and get married and have children?

"And through his faith, though he died, he still speaks." I don't know if Abel tried to fight his brother, whether he struggled against his brother when Cain was killing him (although Genesis 4 tells us that Cain rose up against his brother...). Abel's death foreshadows Christ's death. Christ was perfect yet he was killed. Jesus didn't struggle when he was attacked by his enemies but died without a fight so that He can speak.

Interestingly, God seeks after Cain and asks him what he did to Abel. God does not kill Cain but sends him away to the land of Nod and puts a mark on Cain so no one can kill him. God punishes Cain yet He allows him to live. Is God forsaking Cain, and Cain has to live a life without God? But from Cain's family line, the great Noah is born.

I think I need to do more research on this but I'm learning that God doesn't forsake his people. Cain is severely punished but God doesn't stop loving Cain. I think God is giving Cain time to reflect and repent so that he can be right with God again. The Bible doesn't tell us if Cain ever repented, but the last verse of Genesis 4 states that the people began to call upon the name of the LORD.

"6And without faith it is impossible to please him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him."

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Hebrews 8-9

Caren, I keep thinking about your post when you said that Hebrews is beautifully written, etc...
I don't consider this letter to the Hebrews an enjoyable read at all.  It feels as if I need to be reading Leviticus at the same time -- which is recommended..  Too many OT references and too many questions on my part.  But, I guess that's a good thing.  Sometimes my post-pregnancy brain can't handle this much thinking.

As I read these chapters, I do realize that I need to be more aware of Jewish history, thought and perspectives.  As a Christian, I don't give much thought to the first covenant and what that meant to the people.  But, without a good understanding of the first covenant and its implications- it's difficult to understand the importance of Jesus' role as high priest and perfect sacrifice.  Also, I would never be able to understand the difficulty of these sacrifices made on behalf of sins.  Thus, I will never understand the price that was paid...  But, what does that say of my faith?  It really is this free gift to someone who never knew that this gift ever had a price.  It really is a challenge for me these days to get to know my Jewish friends more..  What is it that they believe?  What is the difficulty in accepting Jesus as the Messiah?

Is God asking me to step out and start these commonly taboo and not PC topics of discussion? I was getting comfortable doing my part in the Great Commission by being a gentle witness.  Lord, I want to be a witness for you but I don't want to be the kind that is preachy..  I want to be an effective witness for you...

Monday, August 8, 2011

Hebrews 9

v.28 so Christ, having been offered once to bear the sins of many...

Sometimes, I think I take Christ's death too lightly. Christ was rejected by men and suffered a humiliating death even though he was God because he loves us. He died for our sins, not his. I should be shouting at the top of my lungs that Jesus is real, that he is the King, that he is the truth. But I don't. I keep my mouth shut -- other than to say that I go to church and am involved.

Doesn't Christ deserve more than that? Doesn't Christ deserve everything that I have? Shouldn't I be boldly proclaiming that he is alive and that he died for our sins? Why is it that I am so timid, so fearful, so hesitant? Why can't I be more like apostle Paul and tell everyone about my transformation in my heart? About the peace of God that surpasses all understanding, which has filled my heart?

Christ deserves more than what I give him. He deserves so much more...

God, I pray that in my weakness, you will become strong. That even in my weakness, you will use me to bring others to Christ so that they will taste your love and the peace that transcends all understanding.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Hebrews 5-7 Growing Towards Maturity

These chapters made me think about maturity.  Some have been going to church for a while, yet - where is the maturity.  When I look at my church and the leadership, I wonder why we are fighting the way we do.  Why isn't prayer the first task?  Why can't we forgive?  The list can go on and on...  It is because for some reason we are listening to sermons but the word doesn't come alive in our lives... It isn't the double-edged sword that is spoken of in Heb 4:12.  There is a disconnect in our lives - somewhere between hearing the Word and actually living the Word.  God calls us to be trained "by constant practice to distinguish good from evil" (Heb 5:14).  Am I allowing myself to be trained?  Am I exercising the words that enter into my ears, into my heart and into my life?

I realize maturity can only happen in the Word of God.  To hear it, obey it and live it.  And it is so exciting that we have perfection in Christ to look forward to.  I have been hungry for so long and I'm so ready to see the living Word in my life..  I'm so excited to be on my way towards perfection in Christ -- that is totally achievable because of Him.  Praise God!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Hebrew 5 & 7

Hebrews 5:7 In the days of his flesh, "Jesus offered up prayers and supplications, with loud cries and tears . . . ." I found comfort knowing that Jesus teared when he prayed. This past year, I have cried so much when I pray -- esp. when I pray for other people or when I recount Jesus' love for His people. I'm usually embarrassed, and I'm so focused on my tears that my mind goes blank when I'm praying. But now, I will remind myself that Jesus cried and teared when he prayed in his flesh, and that it is God's reminder that the Holy Spirit is living in me. I think another reason why I cry is because the Holy Spirit is so ecstatic that I finally repented and decided that I have no other choice but to follow God and one way to show His excitement is through my tears.

Hebrews 7:15 And thus Abraham, having patiently waited, obtained the promise. My ESV notes tell me that Abraham did not witness God's promise and that God's promise was fulfilled after Abraham died. I usually expect God to answer my prayers within days; if they are not answered, I get frustrated and start thinking, "God, where are you?" But even to the great Abraham, God made him wait, and Abraham never witnessed God's promise that his descendants would be numerous. I pray that God will give me patience and perseverance to wait for His promises and that even if I do not see the fruits of my labor, I will continue to rely on Him and never give up because our God is a God that does not lie but keeps His promises.

This past week, I started think about Judas Iscariot's life. What made him betray Jesus? How did the devil enter his heart? Judas was with Jesus everyday; he was his disciple. Why did Judas never call Jesus "Lord," but only "Rabbi?" How could he not believe after witnessing the miracles of Jesus? Why did the devil choose Judas to betray Jesus and not the other 11? Honestly, I have no idea why I started thinking about Judas. But I wonder if Judas felt Jesus did not love him as much or if he was jealous of the other disciples or if he felt Jesus did not accept him for who he was so he hardened his heart. Hebrews tells us that when you hear His voice, do not harden your hearts. Is Judas an example of this? Jesus was able to heal every person who was sick -- but if I remember correctly, the sick that he healed longed to be saved (physically and spiritually). They were so poor in spirit and health that Jesus seemed to be their only option. Only those who believed were able to experience the power of Jesus. And maybe that's what the author of Hebrews is trying to tell us -- "we [must] draw near to God" -- to experience His awesomeness and power. Otherwise, we may harden our hearts and fall away because the Christian life will require suffering and constant battle.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Hebrews 4 - His Rest

v. 8 "For if Joshua had given them rest, God would not have spoken of another day later on."
This made me think about the way we live and work.  We work hard so that one day we can retire and rest.  We work hard so that we can rest and take vacations.  We work hard so that we can pay someone to do the dirty work so that we can find some sort of rest in our daily living... rest from this and that.  Yet, at the end of all this do we actually feel "rested"?  The Israelites might've looked to Joshua for rest.. a day when they can actually settle down and feel like they've arrived somewhere.  They looked to him to finally just take this land of Canaan and be done with it already.  And we know that they never really do settle down and eventually this land is taken from them and they return to their wandering, unsettled state.

I am a workaholic, a busy-body...  I used to schedule my days in 10 minute increments.  I guess I thought that one day I wouldn't have anything left on my to-do list and I could finally rest.  So not true.  In this Word I find that one day I will enter into that rest.. For now, I need to learn to pause and take the Sabbath for real.  It is only when I was in a relationship with my husband that I learned to relax or was forced to relax.  He's the type that works when he works and relaxes when he relaxes.  He can totally brain-fart and he loves it.  He likes to spend his Saturdays in bed ALL DAY.  As for me, I usually can't just sit and watch a movie.  I feel like it's a waste of time so I have to do something else on my forever list of to-do's.  And yet, I get frustrated that I always have something to do when I probably create that kind of life for me.. I guess I thrive on that feeling.

And in this Word, I find hope that one day I will have this feeling of having arrived, of having completed something.  I can't wait to have that feeling of having nothing lingering, nothing in the back of my mind that keeps me from relaxing completely.  I will enter His rest one day and I can't wait to know how that feels because I know that feeling cannot exist here on earth.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Hebrews 3

Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts. This verse became too real. I hardened my heart and disobeyed God in my youth. I even prayed to God to take away my salvation because I was always feeling guilty for hardening my heart. BUT once you are saved, God does not let you go. He walks next to you, He suffers with you and He always loves you.

Jesus, who is the radiance of the glory of God and sits at the right hand of God, was made lower than the angels to save me, who once prayed that He leave me alone. Once I began to realize what Jesus did because he loved me, I couldn't turn back. I had to make a decision -- if I am Christian, I will serve Him and perform deeds that will please Him. Yes, I fail miserably all the time, and yes, sometimes I doubt and ask "God, where are you?". But most of the time, I cannot help but hold fast my confidence and boasting in my hope.

I pray that I will never harden my heart again but continue to love Jesus for being my Savior, to love Jesus for loving me unconditionally, to love Jesus for being faithful and not letting me go.

I am really excited to share my thoughts and grow in Christ with you ladies! Hope to see you all soon.

Hebrews 3 - Today...

Sometimes I wonder how my life would've been different if I had been born in a non-Christian family.  How would I see Jesus differently?  If I had been Jewish like those addressed by this letter - how would Jesus compare to Moses?  How do I "consider" Jesus?

I've only known Jesus - almost like I never had to go through a true discerning phase.  It's like Jesus just got bigger and bigger.  As a child, I went to church, to morning prayers with my grandma. I knew all the hymns, memorized the verses.  In elementary school, I sang as loud as I could and danced the motions to the best of my ability.. And in Jr. High -- Jesus became really big.  The Word came alive.  I began to really talk to Him.  I heard His voice...  I enjoyed my quiet moments with Him.  Truly, this is a blessing.

But, in recent years - my knowledge of Him, my experiences of Him have plateaued a bit.  Is it my attitude towards Him?  Where has the excitement of my youth gone?  I have so many stories to tell of my younger years... but what about now? 

So in read through this chapter -- the word "TODAY" is repeated quite a few times.  As St. Augustine said, "You have made us for Yourself, O God, and our hearts are restless until they find rest in Thee."  I am restless God - restless to see Your glory in my TODAY. 

This is the day that the Lord has made.  I truly feel God is encouraging me to live each day with excitement, with my eyes open to His glorious works and His glorious presence.  I'm so excited to be going through this with you gals!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Hebrews 1&2

I love the book of Hebrews! It's so beautifully written. Hebrews 1 tells us that Jesus "is the radiance of the glory of God and the exact imprint of his nature, and he upholds the universe by the word of his power."

The author of Hebrews describes how Jesus is the High Priest. He calls us brothers, we share in flesh and blood with Jesus because we are God's children. I think that's amazing. We are sinners but yet Christians are still considered to be kinsmen with Jesus, the Son of God who created the universe.

Jesus became human and suffered when tempted to help those who are tempted. And many times, I forget that we, Christians, are faced with adversity so that we can suffer and become more merciful and graceful to those who are also facing adversity.

I pray that when faced with difficult circumstances, I will ask God not to take away the pain but that I will become more like Jesus. It's really difficult to grow in Christ because it's against my sinful nature. I fail everyday. But God promises to help me, to sanctify me, and I trust that he will carry me through.